PET(4)-02-12 p2a

P-04-360 Penylan Not Spot Petition

Petition wording:

We the residents of Penylan ward of Cardiff Central constituency are being denied full access to the internet.

The continued failure of BT and all other telecommunication providers to invest anything in the area between Cyncoed Road and the A48 Llanederyn Interchange means that nearly 500 homes are only able to receive 20% of the minimum UK acceptable internet speed of 2 megabites. The majority of UK households receive speeds of at least 5 to 10 mbs. We call upon the Welsh Government to take action to end the Penylan Not Spot.

Bottom of Form

Petition raised by: Penylan residents

Date petition first considered by Committee: 24 January 2012

Number of signatures:348